Harmony Vs Balance

If you’re like most people, at some point in time—possibly even today—you’ve thought about having better balance in your life. In this crazy, hectic, technology-driven society, balance is an ever – present concern for many people.  I am often asked about the secret to finding it in my life. How can you get the most out of work, life, friends, family, and all your other activities? Would you like to learn the secret to balance? Are you ready? Here it is:

The Secret to Balance

Forget about balance; it’s an illusion. “Balance” assumes that we spend an equal amount of time in all or most areas of our life. It is like the image of the scales of justice where everything is completely in balance and equal. However, the concept implies that we must spend a certain portion of each week devoted in some equal measure to every item important in our life. The problem with this is that most people can’t achieve this on a regular basis. We tend to live such hectic, busy lives that it is incredibly difficult to fit it all in. Balance assumes that we spend equal amounts of time in each area of our life, which realistically, is impossible.  I believe in harmony, in finding ways to create synergy between the things you love to do and the things you’re paid to do
(if you’re lucky, they’re one and the same!)

But there’s good news. We suggest striving for “Harmony“. You simply cannot have balance in your life. You can, however, find harmony. This is more than semantics—it is a different way of looking at life. It is possible to create a life that is in harmony with your values and vision of who you are and what you want to do. Even the symbol for harmony (the yin yang) is out of balance if you look at each piece separately.

Here are some keys to a life that’s in harmony.

  • Be Here Now
  • Set time aside for the things that really matter.
  • Find ways to integrate different parts of your life
  • When you’re 70 years old, you’re not going to wish you spent more time at the office

Source: Dr. Ivan Misner https://ivanmisner.com/harmony-vs-balance/

Qigong and Tai Chi

As we age, our bodies can lose balance significantly if we slow down our activity levels. Our bodies are less likely to heal well after falls as we get older.

Practicing Qigong and Tai Chi will help you strengthen your core and various muscles within your body, improving your balance. The moderate flowing movements of both Tai Chi and Qigong involve low-intensity muscle training, which will help reduce the decline of your sense of balance.

Balance is the key to Harmony

Health, Wellness, and Preventive Medicine Bringing the East to the West


The cancer patient or cancer preventatives concoction, Recipe!  

Last week we discussed enzymes and fasting. See the content below for reference. If you are battling cancer, have cancer in your family or have not kept the best diet, or just looking for the ultimate health concoctions to take daily or periodically for overall health and healing, try this:               

Kombucha (GT, other brands, or homemade). 12-20 ounces per day.  Consists of live enzymes and probiotics.  

PH water 8.0 or higher, 1-2 pints per day.  

Regular Spring Water Drink 6-8 pints per day. Do not drink purified water, as the vitamins and minerals deplete, avoid tap water as well, as it contains fluoride, chlorine, and other impurities. 

Live Barley Grass Juice or Barley Grass Juice Powder 

Barley Grass Juice Powder – Mix up to two tablespoons daily (Mix 1/3 pint of water with a fork, milf frother or shake in a jar, it is water soluble). If you want it to taste better, mix it into a smoothie.

Live Barley Grass Juice – Take your finger and form the “ok” symbol. You will need to fit that much grass within the circle of your fingers for one shot. Use a “hand crank” grass juicer (Not a standard juicer, but one used for juicing grass). Avoid using electric grass juicers as you may risk killing the live enzymes from their heat. Tak 1-2 shots of the liquid per day. If you want it to taste better, mix it into a smoothie.   

Suppose you are exercising or performing rigorous physical activities. In that case, you can increase these amounts as the body will utilize the 92 minerals and protein during and after your routine, administered directly into the bloodstream because it’s a Double Helix DNA Grass

-CBD – Isolate (If you are looking for CBD without THC), 1-3 droppers per day; if you use a tincture, take it sublingually and hold it in your mouth for about one minute. When taking edibles, 10-30 milligrams should suffice (Increase the amounts if you feel stress or anxiety if you have MS or are battling cancer).  

-CBD Full or Broad Spectrum – If you also want the THC, legally, CBD can only possess .03% or less for THC. 1-3 droppers per day; if you use a tincture, take it sublingually and hold it in your mouth for about one minute. When taking edibles, 10-30 milligrams should suffice (Increase the amounts if you feel stress or anxiety if you have MS or are battling cancer).  

When taking CBD with THC, there will be a “high effect,” depending on whether you are a THC user or not. Regular THC users may not feel as much of a psychoactive effect, and occasional users may feel much more psychoactive effects, so be careful and start with smaller amounts if you are not used to taking THC. Take 1/2 of a dropper or 1/4 – 1/3 of a gummy, wait at least one hour, and observe how you feel.     

Taking some food with your CBD products is highly recommended. Full and broad spectrum CBD possesses more medicinal benefits than isolating; however, ensure to ease into ingesting CBD with THC. One can build a tolerance over time, so if you want to receive the full medicinal benefits, increase your intake gradually as you get used to handling THC.

Black Grapes, Organic – Organic grapes possess some of the best nutrients, including Resveratrol, and are a great source of potassium, fiber, and additional vitamins and minerals. Grapes protect against cancer and possess enzymes that help break down our food. They combine with our digestive enzymes to do an even better job. Remember to eat fruit alone ( Do not mix other foods like starches, protein, etc.). Fruit will take 15-30 minutes to digest; then, you can eat other foods (Avoid eating starch and protein together). Also, avoid combining acid and sub-acid fruits. If you are only eating grapes that day, you can ingest 1-3 lbs., and they will digest well. Purchase Daniel Reids Book, “The TAO of Health Sex and Longevity,” to better understand food science: http://danielreid.org/

Cucumbers – Cucumbers possess a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, including a high percentage of Vitamin K. Vitamins B and C, are prevalent, and minerals such as; Magnesium (Great for the bones and joints), copper, potassium, and phosphorus. Avoid eating cucumbers with grapes. If you want to add both to this menu, eat the grapes, wait 30 minutes or more and then eat the cucumbers.   

Homemade soups with roots and vegetables. Tune in for the corona killer soup recipe!  

Our team possesses a wealth of experience with holistic practices.  We will provide educational information regarding holistic solutions, including exercise, breathing techniques, diet, live plants for ingesting, supplements, and more.  This website is an interactive web forum.  The site was not designed to promote FDA-approved drugs or Western Medicine and its practices. If this is what you are looking for, check out WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/

We created this portal to educate the general public regarding ancient eastern philosophies of living.
We are not discounting western medicine and its practices, as the “ultimate goal” is survival.
Using what nature has created, we strive to balance our bodies, mind, and spirits.  Share your knowledge of supplements and techniques for health and longevity.  Here is a book that everyone should read; it’s a prerequisite to your ultimate health and wellness.  From beginners to advanced eastern practitioners, let this book guide you to a new level of being:
“The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity by Daniel Reid.

This book possesses the “cliff notes” for living a balanced life, with many details regarding diet, breathing, exercise, fasting, sex, and more. The book is well written and easy to follow and understand. It could also be used as an ongoing reference: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/067164811X/webdetoxcom- 20


Digestive Enzymes: Let’s start with the internal allies we call digestive enzymes.  We should treat our enzymes well.  Let’s not overwork or destroy them.  Like “Pac Man,” these enzymes break down food and toxins within the body until they are “body soluble.” Is that an actual word or term?  I’m not sure, but I think you get the gist.  Our body then takes what it needs to nurture, and the rest becomes waste.  Just imagine millions of little “Pac Men” breaking down the food that enters the body and, when it’s finished, clings to the first available toxin and starts to break it down.  Fasting typically begins within the 24th hour after eating; the “fast” typically starts at the 24th hour. When the enzymes finish breaking down the toxins within the digestive system and inner body, they head to the top of the colon and continue breaking down the waste and toxins within the colon until it reaches the end (This process typically takes approximately seven days). Keep in mind that the moment you add food back into your system, the enzymes re-direct and all migrate to the food to break it down, which in turn, “breaks the fast” Hence the term we are all familiar with breakfast…

Food combinations: The five food groups have been an ongoing myth; it was prevalent in the 1970s.  For instance, you do not have to ingest dairy to supply your body with calcium, protein, and vitamin D.
Broccoli, for instance, produces more digestible calcium than milk, barley grass, more digestible protein than whey, and the Sun, has more vitamin D than cheese.  Combining the proper foods allows for proper digestion and the body’s ability to absorb the necessary nutrients from each.  Fruit, for instance, possesses vitamins, fiber, and enzymes but should be eaten alone, the same as dairy.  When you add fruit to the top of a meal, it begins to ferment within the stomach and rots, and the body does not receive the necessary nutrients.

Now, if you eat fruit on an empty stomach, it digests within 15-30 minutes, and your body will benefit from its vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes (Which aid in digestion).  Starch and protein should also be ingested separately and as often as possible.

Two digestive enzymes take on this role, Amylase, and Pepsin:
Amylase – Breaks down starches.
Pepsin – Breaks down protein.  The two do not break down the foods simultaneously; it starts with the most readily available food, so the process takes much longer when starch and protein are combined.

Try eating a steak with only vegetables, rare, and pay attention to how you feel.  Then eat a steak, not so rare, with potatoes and vegetables, and observe how you feel.  Try the same with pasta and red sauce, one with meat and vegetables and the other with just vegetables, and pay attention to how you feel afterward.  Enzymes have a difficult time breaking down overcooked meat and fish.  Rare or raw meat or fish is better for digestion and the body’s ability to utilize protein and vitamin b12 (Plus other vitamins, minerals, etc.).


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