Holistic Approach

CBD Facts
CBD consists of three main types, each with variations:
· Isolates – Contains CBD only and does not possess other cannabinoids or THC.
· Full Spectrum – Comprises all parts of the cannabis plant and contains less than 0.3% THC.
· Broad-spectrum – Contains most of the cannabis plant compounds. Typically, Broad Spectrum
CBD does not contain THC; however, some products will hold trace quantities.

Full Spectrum CBD (0.03% THC) – Full spectrum CBD (Whole plant extract) does possess THC. The oil goes through cannabinoid extraction and filtration with full-spectrum extractions, excluding cannabinoids and their compounds. While full Spectrum CBD does have THC, the amounts are moderate compared to the cannabis THC plants. Full Spectrum has a wider range of health benefits than Isolate a Broad Spectrum. CBD Isolate (0% THC) begins with making distillate, which possesses plant matter and other cannabinoids, including CBC, CBD, CBG, CBN, and THC. Chromatography removes plant matter and cannabinoids, which will separate and purify individual chemical compounds.

The process consists of extracting crude oil from the initial biomass, then winterizing, decarboxylating, and distilling the oil, which results in a 99%+ pure cannabinoid crystal. This isolated process occurs after distillation and separates the cannabinoids.

CBD isolate is a crystalline solid or powder that contains 99% pure CBD. This extraction process removes all the active compounds from the cannabis plant. Following is a refining process that strips away all other phytocannabinoids, including THC, and any plant matter.

Broad Spectrum CBD (Does not possess THC, but sometimes has trace amounts) – 
Broad Spectrum produces in a couple of ways:
A) Add terpenes, flavonoids, and minor cannabinoids to CBD isolate.
B) Remove THC from Full Spectrum extract via distillation.

Broad-spectrum CBD contains all the same compounds as full-spectrum CBD, minus THC. CBD isolate only contains CBD and no other cannabinoids or compounds from the plant.

Harmony Vs Balance

If you’re like most people, at some point in time—possibly even today—you’ve thought about having better balance in your life. In this crazy, hectic, technology-driven society, balance is an ever – present concern for many people.  I am often asked about the secret to finding it in my life. How can you get the most out of work, life, friends, family, and all your other activities? Would you like to learn the secret to balance? Are you ready? Here it is:

The Secret to Balance

Forget about balance; it’s an illusion. “Balance” assumes that we spend an equal amount of time in all or most areas of our life. It is like the image of the scales of justice where everything is completely in balance and equal. However, the concept implies that we must spend a certain portion of each week devoted in some equal measure to every item important in our life. The problem with this is that most people can’t achieve this on a regular basis. We tend to live such hectic, busy lives that it is incredibly difficult to fit it all in. Balance assumes that we spend equal amounts of time in each area of our life, which realistically, is impossible.  I believe in harmony, in finding ways to create synergy between the things you love to do and the things you’re paid to do
(if you’re lucky, they’re one and the same!)

But there’s good news. We suggest striving for “Harmony“. You simply cannot have balance in your life. You can, however, find harmony. This is more than semantics—it is a different way of looking at life. It is possible to create a life that is in harmony with your values and vision of who you are and what you want to do. Even the symbol for harmony (the yin yang) is out of balance if you look at each piece separately.

Here are some keys to a life that’s in harmony.

  • Be Here Now
  • Set time aside for the things that really matter.
  • Find ways to integrate different parts of your life
  • When you’re 70 years old, you’re not going to wish you spent more time at the office

Source: Dr. Ivan Misner https://ivanmisner.com/harmony-vs-balance/

What is the Endocannabinoid Structure?

The endocannabinoid Structure is complex, primarily consisting of receptors, enzymes, and endocannabinoids. Extensive research was conducted, starting in the ’90s regarding CBD. There are over 100 medicinal benefits. The most known and conclusive are appetite, sleep, mood, and memory. There is much to be discovered about the effects on physical and mental ailments.

What is fascinating, is the fact that our bodies already possess receptors called endocannabinoids (That are within our bodies).  The cannabinoids within CBD connect with the endocannabinoids and do magical things to the body.  There are two types of receptors.  The other fascinating aspect of the endocannabinoid structure is that it exists in animals too.  Endocannabinoid systems have been found in mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish. CBD and cannabis have been part of veterinary medicine for a long time. Ancient Greeks used cannabis to treat horses for colic, and inflammation, and to heal battle wounds.  Walter E. Dixon published research in the British Medical Journal in 1899 related to cannabis and its response in cats and dogs.

Potential benefits include pain management, inflammation reduction, arthritis relief, seizure management, aiding in the loss of appetite, and cancers.   Many endocannabinoid systems in animals are not being activated, because of a lack of endocannabinoids in the food we eat.  Hemp is being taken out of food and there are no CBD medicinal benefits for humans or animals.   Hence the reason for digesting CBD directly into the body of animals and humans daily.

A) CBD1 receptors are expressed throughout the brain, like a circuit breaker that releases inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters.  These receptors are abundant in the nervous system, primarily localized in the central and peripheral neurons. CB1
receptors are responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis.  The CBD1 receptor exists within the Central Nervous System (Consisting of the areas within the spinal cord and brain) and primarily controls our movement, pain, mood, appetite, and more…
Cannabinoid Receptor 1 or CB1 is associated with psychoactive, neuromodulatory, and analgesic effects due to its activation by a lipid called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

B) CB2 Receptors are expressed in the immune cells; including leukocytes (White blood cells), splenocytes (Splenic white blood cells), osteoblasts (Cells that secrete matrix for bone formation), osteoclasts (The bone cell that absorbs bone tissue during growth and
healing).  CB2 receptors help control the release of cytokines linked to inflammation and immune function. Studies have suggested that this receptor may assist in the selection of inputs that guide complex behavior. CBD2 receptors are found within the sense organs or Peripheral Nervous System (Which consists of nerves lying outside of the central nervous system) its primary role is to connect the Central Nervous system with the body’s organs, limbs, and skin.  Phytocannabinoids found in hemp largely activate CB2,
thus exerting positive, non-psychoactive effects on the human body.

Health Benefits for Barley Grass Juice

John’s Barley Grass Juice Powder feeds both the mind and body. The high chlorophyll content acts as a natural blood builder. This super-nutritious, primordial food possesses a significant amount of minerals, enough to satisfy the body’s daily mineral needs. You will expect to experience high energy and clarity while detoxifying the body daily. The antioxidation process is natural as the impurities are left in the bathroom, not through the skin. Your aging process will reverse; your skin will look healthier/younger, your hair thicker and less grey and your muscle tone will improve while keeping regular and balanced.

Scientific Studies Show that Barley provides more benefits for Health and Fitness than all the world’s existing – 6,000-plus types of grass or any other plant-based substance. Barley is the best source of nutrients that the body needs for growth, repair, and well-being. According to Dr. Hihide Hagiwara, president of the Hagiwara Health Institute of Japan, barley grass is probably the most-researched grass in the world due to his efforts and findings. He researched more than 150 different plants for thirteen years. People who can’t tolerate wheatgrass juice may be able to enjoy the benefits of barley grass juice or barley grass juice powder. Wheatgrass juice is highly detoxifying and makes some people nauseous whenever they drink it. Barley grass juice is milder and much easier to drink with water than wheat grass.

CBD and Cancer Continued…

The information based on studies regarding cancer is fascinating. The American Cancer society seems to have embraced CBD. Their documentation clearly states that CBD possesses health benefits, and drugs using CBD extracts now exist. ACS cannot show the public that they are doing backflips (deep down inside) as the FDA and others keep them under scrutiny. CBD, with the appropriate dosages, could provide multiple health benefits when taking the correct oils, edibles, or water-soluble products, within their natural form.

From the American Cancer Society:
“How can marijuana affect the symptoms of cancer?

Several small studies of people who smoked marijuana found that it can be helpful in treating nausea and vomiting from cancer chemotherapy.

A few studies have found that inhaled (smoked or vaporized) marijuana can be a helpful treatment for neuropathic pain (pain caused by damaged nerves). Smoked marijuana has also helped improve food intake in HIV patients in studies. There are no studies on the effects of marijuana oil or hemp oil. Studies have long shown that people who took marijuana extracts in clinical trials tended to need less pain medicine.

More recently, scientists reported that THC and other cannabinoids, such as CBD, slow growth and/or cause death in certain types of cancer cells growing in lab dishes. Some animal studies also suggest certain cannabinoids may slow growth and reduce the spread of some forms of cancer.

There have been some early clinical trials of cannabinoids in treating cancer in humans and more studies are planned. While the studies so far have shown that cannabinoids can be safe in treating cancer, they do not show that they help control or cure the disease.

Relying on marijuana alone as treatment while avoiding or delaying conventional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences.”

Source: The American Cancer Society


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